Hi everyone! When I launched this website about a week ago I said it is going to be a collection of my tips, tricks and advice as well as vendor and venue highlights. Today I have a little insight for you into a few questions you should ask your Salem, MA wedding photographer. I worked in the wedding industry for many years and if I were getting married in Salem, these are questions I would make sure were addressed.
So here we go… the five questions you should ask your wedding photographer.
1. Are you from Salem or at least very familiar with the area?
This is one of the first ones that came to my mind because being from the area or at least very familiar with it is super important in Salem. There are so many adorable side streets, historic areas, landmarks and more that would make for amazing wedding pictures. Having someone on your team that knows these things is going to make all of the difference.
2. If your wedding is in October, be sure to ask what your photographer’s game plan is. How do they plan to deal with traffic? Crowds?
Having someone familiar with the area also comes into play here. If your photographer is a local they can easily help you navigate crowds, pull you into more secluded areas, can work around traffic. October is the height of the craziness here so make sure you ask about how they plan to deal with this (in the ways that are within their control, at least).
3. Have you worked at my venue before?
This one is pretty standard but applies extra around here. Some of the venues you can get married at are also historic buildings and landmarks. They may have extra regulations in place about what can or cannot be done, areas you can shoot and not shoot, areas that are sensitive to flash and more. Be sure your photographer has done their homework and communicated with the venue in regards to this.
4. Are you able to provide a full gallery of images?
Be sure your photographer can supply a full gallery or minimally most of one. This is really the only way to get a true scope of how their finished product looks. It is important to check out their online portfolio and social media of course but asking for a whole gallery from a single wedding makes it even more clear.
5. Don’t hesitate to ask about your unique needs
I realize that one isn’t fully a question but hear me out…Salem is such a unique city that embraces all walks of life, all lifestyles, all religions. If your wedding is going to be as unique as you are – lean into that! Maybe you want a wedding complete with a Pagan High Priestess with brooms and all. Maybe you are going for a rainbow colored Mario Kart themed wedding. DO IT. Do it and find a photographer that is as excited for that unique vibe as YOU ARE because trust me, there is someone out there for you. A city as colorful and welcoming as Salem is sure to deliver that.
I hope this helped!! I am sending you tons of luck and love on your big day. Feel free to comment below with any questions you have.